The Future of Drug Discovery

Drug Discovery Platform

The Future of Drug Discovery

Automated Design-Make-Test-Analyse cycle

Retrosynthesis AI

Orchestration AI

Generative AI

Iktos Robotics

Biological testing
Iktos Robotics

Purification & analysis
Iktos Robotics


Transforming Drug Discovery with AI and Robotics

Our fully digitized, AI-drive process enables fast progression towards optimal candidates, collecting high quality data at unprecedented speed

Increase Efficiency

Increase Efficiency

Enable six times more parallel projects with the same number of chemists.

Speed Up Drug Discovery

Speed Up Drug Discovery

Reduce the timeline to under 24 months.

Transforming Drug Discovery with AI and Robotics

Our Workflow

Step-by-Step Molecular Journey

Generative AI

Generative AI

The Autonomous Lab transforms drug discovery through a systematic molecular journey. It begins with Makya, our generative AI, which generates optimal molecules in silico.

Retrosynthesis AI

Retrosynthesis AI

These molecules are then processed by Spaya, our retrosynthesis AI, to identify synthesis routes compatible with our robots.

Orchestration AI

Orchestration AI

Ilaka, our orchestration AI, takes over to manage the entire workflow, from ordering raw materials to overseeing synthesis campaigns and directing robots to perform the chemistry.

Robot Driven Chemistry

Robot Driven Chemistry

Our Chemspeed platform allow to run 100 reactions per day in parallel across more than 55 different named reactions. 

Robot Driven Biology

Robot Driven Biology

High-throughput phenotypic assays obtain massive and robust data by observing several thousand of cellular events. Our patented Microtubule Bench technology (MT bench®) industrializes cell testing, a powerful technology to assess drug efficacy directly from inside the cell.

Transforming Drug Discovery with AI and Robotics

Watch the video of our robots at work

Partnering for Success

Integrated Drug Discovery Collaborations

At Iktos, we collaborate with pharmaceutical and biotech companies to drive innovation in drug discovery. Our Integrated Drug Discovery collaborations leverage our AI and robotics platforms to accelerate the development of new drug candidates.

Enhance your drug discovery projects with our advanced technologies and expert support.

Integrated Drug Discovery Collaborations

Partner with Iktos

Since our inception in 2016, we have consistently delivered value through over 60+ collaborations with leading pharmaceutical, biotech, and academic institutions. Our highly skilled team is dedicated to pushing the boundaries of AI-driven drug design, making us a trusted partner in your molecular odyssey.

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